
FABRICATION-show @ Finlayson, Tampere

Dear readers,

As I earlier promised, here are some proof of my work at the Fabrication -art show, which opening was 21st of August. Our job was to choose one traditional Finlayson print and create an art piece from it. I chose to make dresses, because I wanted to do something I´m good at. Also I wanted to make a statement for Finlayson that there are still and always will be good designers and makers in Finland, so there´s no need to take all the labour force to foreign countries.

Finlaysons "Ajatus"-print.

My art piece is designed from the Finlayson print "Ajatus". My work is called "Mielen piilopaikka"(Hiding behind your mind), and it contains two dresses which are called "Romahdus" (Collapse) and "Harmonia" (Harmony). Theme name for the work came from the idea, that I wanted to create totally new surface and print so that you can´t recognize the original print out of the work.

The Fabrication show was successful. All the other designers did very nice pieces, and one of my favourites were Arela sisters work and Terhi Pölkkis shoes (I would wear them immediately). I believe that there were over 300 visitors at the opening and more will come every day. You must go too. Hooray for Finnish design!

Constructing the show

Terhi Pölkkis shoes

Read more about the FABRICATION SHOW:

